Haven App Launches New Age Of Wirless 911 Emergency Communication And Personal Safety

Haven from RapidSOS represents a transformation in access to emergency services from a phone call solely dependent on voice to a robust data connection for voice, text, medical/demographic data. Some 240 million1 9-1-1 calls are made every year in the U.S.; over 70 percent2 from mobile phones, which fail to provide an exact location or any additional data to emergency dispatchers

Through RapidSOS’ Family Connect feature, Haven allows users to see the real-time location of loved ones and contact 9-1-1 for them in an emergency. This Game-changing technology developed at M.I.T. paves the way for a complete paradigm shift from emergency response to emergency prediction and preemption.

Now available for download on iOS and Android devices, in an emergency, Haven provides dispatchers and first responders with critical information, accelerating response and saving time and lives. Haven represents a transformation in access to emergency services from a phone call solely dependent on voice to a robust data connection for voice, text, medical and demographic data, and even live video in some parts of the country. Haven presents a seamless pipeline for data from an individual’s device into 9-1-1 dispatcher systems, replacing a singular copper wire voice connection with a data link between users and 9-1-1.

With one tap, a user is connected to the nearest dispatch center with voice and a variety of data including GPS location, type of emergency, contact information, and relevant medical and demographic information. Haven also provides universal texting to 9-1-1, a significant breakthrough for the estimated 48 million3 Americans who are deaf or hard of hearing or the 12 million4 Americans that face domestic violence every year. Prior to Haven, people could only send text messages to six percent5 of dispatcher centers across the country. In addition to transmitting advanced data to 9-1-1, Haven also notifies a user’s emergency contacts, ensuring that families and communities are connected and informed when they need it most.

“This launch marks a transformation in access to emergency services globally. The FCC estimates that 10,120 lives6 are lost each year when callers can’t be located. Those lives could be saved with Haven,” says Michael Martin, RapidSOS co-founder and CEO. “This is the first part of a technology platform that will drive a complete paradigm shift from emergency response to emergency prediction and preemption, with the ability to impact millions of lives annually.”

“Technology has transformed our lives over the last fifty years, yet when we need technology most, we often rely on infrastructure dating to the 1960s. The Haven app changes the face of emergency communication, transmitting advanced data to emergency services across the country and ultimately in over 135 countries globally all without any new equipment or cost at dispatch centers,” observes Nick Horelik, RapidSOS co-founder and CTO. “Developed at M.I.T. and Harvard, our technology platform represents over three years of collaborating with leaders from the telecommunications, emergency service and public safety communities. Haven helps bring an antiquated infrastructure into the twenty-first century and provides dispatchers with better tools to continue the extraordinary work they do.”

The Haven app also includes access to RapidSOS’ Family Connect feature. For the first time, users can call 9-1-1 on behalf of a loved one, transmitting their location and other relevant information directly to the dispatch center closest to them. In addition to the emergency capabilities, Family Connect allows users to share their location with loved ones, see family members’ real-time locations without the distracting interruptions of phone calls or text messages, and easily and discreetly ask family and friends for help.

Haven’s advanced data represents the potential to transform emergency outcomes. A major analysis with leading experts showing the ability to drive:7

• 2-10% reduction in mortality in certain life threatening medical emergencies
• $4,000 reduction in property damage per minute faster response
• $1,542 reduction in certain healthcare costs

“This technology is a game changer for public safety,” comments Dennis Patrick, former Chairman of the Federal Communications Commission. ” For years the Commission has looked for network and technology improvements to enhance data throughput and reliability. Communicating the location of the caller alone is critical. RapidSOS has met this challenge and more.”

The Haven app is available to download at http://www.RapidSOS.com for Apple and Android devices, as well as from the App Store and Google Play.

RapidSOS’ Safer Together Movement provides Haven for free to individuals and families in need. For those able to afford the service, there are four subscription options available:
• Individual Monthly – $2.99 billed monthly, with 30-day free introductory period
• Individual Annual – $29.99 billed yearly, with a 90-day free introductory period
• Family Monthly – $4.99 billed monthly, with a 30-day free introductory period
• Family Annual – $49.99 billed yearly, with a 90-day free introductory period

RapidSOS was formed in 2012 by a team of M.I.T., Harvard, and Stanford grad students who had personal experiences with the challenges of the existing emergency communication infrastructure. Working closely with the 9-1-1 community, tech and telecom companies, and leading investors, RapidSOS is developing technology to predict and preempt emergencies before they occur, dynamically warn people in harm’s way, and ensure that first responders are one touch away globally. Learn more at http://www.RapidSOS.com


1 National Emergency Number Association. http://www.nena.org/?page=911Statistics
2 National 911 Program. Review of Nationwide 911 Data Collection. http://www.911.gov/pdf/current911datacollection-072613.pdf
3 Hearing Loss Association of America. http://www.hearingloss.org/content/basic-facts-about-hearing-loss
4 The National Domestic Violence Hotline. http://www.thehotline.org/resources/statistics/
5 National 911 Program. State of 911 Webinar. http://www.911.gov/pdf/Stateof911webinar_December2015.pdf
6 The Federal Communication Commision. In the Matter of Wireless 911 Location Accuracy Requirements. 2014. https://apps.fcc.gov/edocs_public/attachmatch/FCC-14-13A1.pdf
7 Based on actuarial analysis conducted with leading industry experts summarized in RapidSOS Outcomes White Paper

Source: RapidSOS

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