Find the best deal on Apple’s new MacBook Airs, MacBook Pros, and Mac minis with M1 Apple Silicon using our award-winning price trackers

In the market for one of Apple’s new 2020 13″ MacBook Airs, 13″ MacBook Pros, or Mac minis with M1 Apple Silicon? Use our Apple award-winning and exclusive price trackers to find the best deal or lowest price on one of Apple M1 Silicon Macs, as well as the rest of Apple’s lineup of Macs, iPads, iPhones, and accessories. Our price trackers are updated on a continual basis, and we track prices on new and refurbished products from Apple as well as most of their authorized online resellers.

The following models are the first Macs to contain M1 Apple Silicon:

13″ MacBook Pro Price Tracker
13″ MacBook Air Price Tracker
Mac mini Price Tracker

Be sure to check our price trackers often as we head through Black Friday/Cyber Monday 2020 as well as the rest of the 2020 Holiday shopping season!

MacPrices is a proud affiliate partner with some Apple retailers.

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